Wheelchair basketball teams

Partnerships with the wheelchair basketball teams are valued and indispensible. ENGAGE does not have its own team and this was a very clear choice. We are very happy for having supported the creation of several teams and this was done truly in spirit of partnership and cooperation.

Here a list of teams that ENGAGE is partnering with:


Jawalakhel Wheekchair Sport Club

Jawalakhel Wheekchair Sport Club (J.W.S.C.) trains and plays at St. Javier School. From an informal group of friends, from different age groups, all united by a passion for sport, a formal club, registered with the local authorities, has been formed. The Club has a male and female wheelchair basketball teams.

Partnership Modalities:





Bodhisattvas in Action Foundation

Bodhisattvas in Action Foundation (B.I.A.) is a local foundation that is very active in the vocational and training field for youths living with disabilities. B.I.A runs a male and female wheelchair basketball teams. B.I.A. offered a very important logistical support to run the English classes in Jorpati.

Partnership Modalities:





Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Center

Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Center ( S.I.R.C.): The Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Center, a project of Spinal Injury Sangh Nepal and it is one the best rehabilitation center in Nepal. Based in Kavre district, S.I.R.C run a male wheelchair basketball team

Partnership Modalities:



National Spinal Cord Injury Sport Association

National Spinal Cord Injury Sport Association ( N.S.C.I.S.A): National Spinal Cord Injury Sport Association, NSCISA worked in the past with ENGAGE in the implementation of the wheelchair basketball program. N.S.I.S.A. runs a male and a female wheelchair basketball team.

Partnership Modalities:



Bhaktapur Lions/Leo Pioneer Club

The Kathmandu Lions/Leo Pioneer Club set up a mixed wheelchair basketball in Bhaktapur. It is a partnership between the Lions and Leo club and a group of young with disabilities.

Partnership Modalities:



Wheelchair Basketball Sport Association

Wheelchair Basketball Sport Association (W.S.A.): W.S.A. is one of the oldest groups playing wheelchair basketball. They run a male and female team. They have been very active in the organization of the awareness programs.

Partnership Modalities:



Nepal Army

The Army team is the latest team with whom ENGAGE established a partnership.

Partnership Modality: